Fluoride Treatments in Sewell, NJ
Fluoride’s Importance in Your Smile
Though many people may not know this, fluoride is a key mineral in keeping your teeth nice and strong. Especially important in children’s dentistry, fluoride treatments can begin a healthy foundation for your smile to thrive and take life’s knocks. Attracting minerals like calcium, fluoride is a wonderful way to build and maintain strong smiles! If you are unaware of some of the benefits fluoride can deliver, let us inform you!
One of the benefits to fluoride is the fact that it naturally makes your teeth more cavity resistant. The mineral acts as a shield, not allowing harmful bacteria to taint your smile. Fluoride also strengthens teeth, making them resilient to the end! Fluoride treatments are common practice in children’s dentistry, as studies show that children who receive them are 40% less likely to get cavities.
Another great way to receive you fluoride intake is through tap water; certain toothpastes and mouthwashes also contain fluoride. Fluoride is also beneficial to those who suffer from constant dry mouth, people with crowns and bridges, people with braces, gum disease, and those who have a history of having continual cavities. Everyone young and old and benefit from fluoride use, and we encourage you to find a source!

Flouride FAQ’s
What is fluoride?
Fluoride is a mineral found in the earth’s crust. Certain bodies of water naturally contain fluoride. However, natural levels of fluoride in fresh food-fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. are generally very low.
Why is fluoride important to my child’s dental health?
Fluoride, when used properly, has been proven to be a safe and effective way to prevent and control dental cavity formation. Fluoride makes the outer surface of your teeth (enamel) more resistant to tooth decay.
How do I know if my family is receiving enough fluoride?
If your drinking water is fluoridated, then brushing your teeth properly with fluoride toothpaste and receiving professional fluoride treatments at your dental office should provide you with enough protection.
How do I know if my drinking water is fluoridated?
Most cities in New Jersey do NOT have fluoridated drinking water, though laws may change in the future. Check the New Jersey Dental Association’s website to see if your town uses fluoridated water, or, call your local water district.
Does my child need fluoride supplements?
Only if your water supply is not fluoridated. Sufficient fluoride concentration in drinking water is 0.6 parts per million. If your water is not fluoridated, then supplementation is recommended. Talk to your dentist or pediatrician about fluoride supplements.
When should my child begin fluoride supplementation?
If your water supply is fluoride deficient (<0.6 ppm), then your dentist may prescribe fluoride supplementation for patients as young as 6 months of age.
Is fluoride all that my child needs to prevent cavities?
No. Children should also follow a balanced diet, brush their teeth twice daily for 2 minutes, and see their dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups. Sugary foods, gummy foods, sugary drinks and candy should only be allowed sparingly, and teeth should be brushed after eating/drinking such foods.
Our Commitment To Quality, Affordable Care
At Connolly Family Dentistry, we believe that access to quality dental care and treatment should not be prevented due to a lack of affordability. As fellow members of the Sewell community, we are committed to making sure that all patients that come through our office are entitled to treatment options that are as affordable as possible.
We will work to maximize your out-of-network dental benefits, though we are currently not in network with any major insurance plans. That said, many times out-of-network benefits provide benefits that are comparable, if not more beneficial than in-network coverage. Please don’t hesitate to contact our staff to learn more about your coverage and options!
Proper oral hygiene and treatment are essential components of you and your family’s overall health, and it has been widely shown that failure to maintain proper oral health can lead to more serious health conditions and related complications. As part of our commitment to serving our community, we also offer several financing options to meet the needs of every patient.
If you would like to go over the full list of options we offer, explore our Finance Options Here or ask about our pay in full savings!
We look forward to serving you and your family!